Monday, January 24, 2011

Life is what you make it!

LIFE It's full of hard lessons. Filled with stupid mistakes, tears, and moments of sheer frustration. It seems like lately I'm being schooled on a big lesson called patience and contentment. At first it was a hard battle, but now I feel like I'm coming through triumphant.

Being a stay at home mom is a very rewarding job, but as you know if you're also a stay at home mom it can be plain hard. Endless hours of crying, fighting, and clinginess can take it's toll on you. Throw on top of that all the responsibilities of keeping a clean home and happy husband. Paying the bills.. ugh... paying the bills. Also the lack of adult conversation. Some days running away sounds very appealing. BUT I wouldn't trade my job for any other job in the world. I've realized for me what's important is being at home with my boys. I'm learning to be content with what I have and not dwell on what I don't have. Is it hard? Heck yes. I look around at those around me and think man it'd be nice to have what they have, but then I slap myself and remind myself what's important.

I have a house. Sure it's not brand new. It's not even completely put together yet, but I'm warm when I go to bed at night and my children have a roof over their heads.

I have a car. It's not fancy... no GPS system... shoot the radio doesn't even work, but it gets me from point A to point B.

I have food. Maybe I don't get to go out to fancy restaurants every weekend, but I can honestly say I've never gone hungry.

I have clothes. They're not name brand. One of the dresses I wear that I get the most compliments on came from Walmart for $3. And you know what? I'm proud of that.

I don't need fancy things. I honestly don't see the point in spending a lot of money for anything. Who am I trying to impress? Don't get me wrong if you have the money and want to spend it on nice things by all means! I'm just saying that for me that's not what's important. I'd like to say it comes with maturity, but I really think it comes from Spiritual growth. I thank God that I've been put through the hard times. It's helped me to grow and really appreciate everything I do have. (Which is so much more than a lot of others in the world). I refuse to keep up with the Joneses. That just leads to more frustration and fits of jealousy and let's face it.. Green's not my best color.

I hope to raise my boys with the realization that money isn't the root of happiness. My wish is for them to be appreciative of what they do have and if they have money one day I want them to help those around them who are less fortunate. Because let's face it, you can't take it with you when you die!!!!

So I realize this post is a lot different than most of my other posts, but as I sat rocking my baby it all hit me. I looked around and realized every piece of furniture in this house except our couch and love seat were all given to us. Most of my decorations are hand me downs or thrift store buys and I LOVE it! I realize my style isn't the norm, but I really am happy that I don't need to spend a lot to be comfortable in my home.

Here's a few of my favorite things in my house.

My kitchen light. Bought at a thrift store for $15.

My adorable tea towel from my sister in law and my cute towel rack from my mom.

My cookie jar bought at the thrift store for $3.

These were Matthew's grandmothers.

My keys and locks. Bought 50% off at Hobby Lobby.

Cully's room. The pictures were bought at the thrift store and the little shelf was made by my grandad. His room will be "Pirate" themed when we're done.

Cully's room. Dresser bought from the thrift store by my mom and stripped to match the crib, She also bought the mirror from the thrift store.

Cully's crib and chair. The crib was a gift when Slaten was born and the chair is a hand me down.

Slaten's stars bought from the ABC company for $6

My mirror corner. Two larger mirrors from Matthew's grandmother and the small one from my mom.

My desk in the kitchen. Most of the decorations are from the thrift store or Matthew's grandmother.

I love my lamps! They were Matthew's grandmothers and I think they are shabby chic!

Up close!


  1. Katie, I totally agree! I have dealt with this a lot myself lately. It's hard to see other people going out to eat all the time or buying new things, but when I stop and think about it, I know those things would never make me happy. I am much happier cooking a meal with Nick in the kitchen or creating something with Nicholas out of stuff we find around the house. I think what really matters most is the time we spend with our family and friends and what we give back to others.
    P.S. I totally love all your home decor! Wish I had half an ounce of your creativity and style :)

  2. Exactly! I wish more people would realize that just spending time with your family can be so rewarding! I think people would be so much happier if they tried the simple way of life :)

    Aw thank you! I'm really liking all my thrift store finds. I love a good deal!
