Our Love


 I met my Sweet Husband 21 years ago at the tender age of 4. He was 8. It was love at first sight.... just kidding. We did things like slide down stairs in sleeping bags together and he, his brother, and my brother would make me cry by not letting me play. We actually didn't start dating until 13 years later. You can read all about that here. We dated for 2 months before he popped the question. I was 17 and he was 21. I said yes and have never had one single moment of regret. We were married almost a year to the day later. We were young and in love and we're still in love just not quite as young. We're going on almost 7 and a half years and we are enjoying the journey everyday. You can read about our big day here.

 I'm not going to pretend that we have a perfect relationship. I don't believe in those, but I'd like to think we have one amazing marriage and to God be the glory for that. Because He is our center we are balanced. We both had amazing examples of marriage growing up. The love his parents had was so pure and it has definitely rubbed off on their sons. Matthew's mother passed away on 12.31.06, but they would have been celebrating 34 years of marriage this year. Never will there be another woman like my mother in law. My parents will be celebrating their 30th anniversary this November so I have to say long marriages run in our family ;)

 When people remark about us being so young when we got married we both have the same answer: By doing so we're allowing ourselves more time together. Why fight the inevitable? Regardless if we had waited 5 years he'd still be my husband and I'd still be his wife. We just didn't want to wake up another morning without the other by our side.

 I thank God everyday for placing this man in my life. Not only as a husband, but as one of the most amazing fathers I have ever seen. I hope our journey inspires others to find true love and to hold on to it regardless what the world around you might say.