Thursday, May 19, 2011

Random Thursday {7}

So we missed Random Thursday last week because Blogger was being suckish so let's try again shall we?


1. We have ANOTHER addition to the Farm. It's a bun bun!! He's really cute. He's very partial to Cullen. I think because he is of the small variety himself.

2. I'm going to cover all the windows in my house so I can convince my children it's bedtime in about 30 minutes. Yes, as a matter of fact it is 6:00 pm.

3. I currently have ring pop stuck to the bottom of my foot. It's gross. Yet here I sit... instead of wiping it off. Priorities people!!

4. I just caught Cullen eating bun bun food.... This morning I think he may have tried dog food. Jeez I can't turn my back for 2 seconds.

5. My house was clean before lunch... it's not anymore. I should just take a picture of it clean so I can prove to Sweet Husband that I do in fact do more than eat bon bons and watch soap operas. I mean I don't even know what a bon bon is... or what soap operas are on. Maybe if you replaced that with fudge rounds and ICarly......

6. Cullen just bit me on my inner thigh.. have you ever been bit there? It's not a pleasant feeling. Especially when that's a fluffy part of your body.

7. Slaten told me I looked like a princess yesterday. I was only in a dress that was pretty and flowy. I think that gives me permission to start wearing a crown daily? No?

8. Slaten put his hand in the toilet today.. along with a cup. Being a parent is gross.

9. I threw the cup away.

10. Sweet Husband has to work late today. I'm suppose to save him some of this dinner I just made. I guess we'll have to see how good it tastes to see if that happens.


  1. I just love reading your Random Thursday posts :)

  2. Thanks Amanda!! I feel like my life is full of random, so it's what I know best ;)
