Monday, February 28, 2011

Twitchy Eye

So this is Dirt Girl

She is insanely creepy.. and addicting. She has human eyes and a human mouth and she speaks with a very strong British accent. Her left eye twitches wildly and her mouth is always wide open. She gives me the willies, yet I just set my DVR to record her show because I'm strangely curious about her...

Anyways, as most of you who are my friends on crack facebook know I am making jewelry now. I try to make at least one necklace a day and that is seriously cutting into my blogging time. My apologies to those who care. I'm hoping to open my Etsy shop when I hash out the details about shipping and come up with a snazzy name. I use a lot of flowers and buttons for my jewelry so I was trying to incorporate that into the name. I came up with "Flower Petals and Button Holes", but that just didn't sound nice so scratch that one... So I'm still thinking on that.

Since I have a tendency to get obsessed with anything new I try I've been diligently looking for unique buttons I can incorporate into my jewelry. So I spend a lot of time online scoping out buttons. Sweet Husband thinks I'm so weird. I keep trying to convince him that I'll make the money back that I'm spending,  but truthfully I'm  just obsessed and probably won't even sell anything because that's my luck. But I'll have a lot of new necklaces!! Here are a few of my favorites

So I think I'll go on my way and make another necklace while little Cully naps and before I get blown away my a tornado. Now go to YouTube and watch a video of Dirt Girl... I know you want to. ;)


  1. Mind reader. I DO want to. I feel compelled...

  2. I have watched it twice today.. might possibly record more.. how sad am I?
